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Email Security and Privacy

Written by Ardian on 23.48

Now day, internet becomes one the important media in our life, we use the internet connection for communication, gather information, media of entertainment, and many more. When we talk about internet as the media of communication, we can find many ways to communicate through internet. The first and most common method is email. Many people love to use email rather than text message because it has bigger size and cheaper. The national statistic reports that most people are using internet to send or receive email.

Email gives cheap and simple solution for the society; however, every thing must have its own backward. Email has so many threats whether it is privacy or security. If we ever disturbed by the treats, we might be quite upset, but when it comes to the governmental or companies email, the situation will be worse. We cannot imagine if a company’s secret can be exposed with an email or the governmental information can be read by terrorist.

The September 11 incident becomes the awakening moment for governments of several countries to increase the email security. If we want to learn further about the email treats we can read an article entitled Online Security and Threats to email written by Frank C that we can access on

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  1. 2 comments: Responses to “ Email Security and Privacy ”

  2. By Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner on 3 Juli 2009 pukul 01.24

    Halo kawan, apa kabar?

    Berhubung saya mengikuti kontes SEO, saya mohong untuk menggati link blog saya dengan link dan teks dibawah ini:
    teks: Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner

    Untuk sementara waktu, link kawan saya pindahkan ke blog, yang berpagerank 4..
    Saya tunggu peng-update-an link saya ya.. :)

  3. By Ardian on 3 Juli 2009 pukul 01.29

    wah kebetulan aku juga ikutan kontes SEO itu :D

    gimana klo link-ku juga diganti aja untuk sementara waktu ke :
    URL :
    Text : Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner

    klo tertarik, silakan bales komentar ini ya :D
