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Obeus The Alternatife of Google Adsense

Written by Ardian on 02.05

Obeus is a good alternative of Google Adsense for website owners who want to display advertisements on their websites and blogs but are restricted by many strict policies of Google Adsense.

It is free to join this program. Registration at the website is a breeze and I completed mine in less than five minutes. After filling up your website details, you may choose between text or banner ads. In total there are five different layouts for you to choose from between these two..

The 5 layouts are:
- textual ads with horizontal layout
- textual ads with vertical layout
- 728×90 banner ads
- 468×60 banner ads
- 125×125 banner ads

After you have chosen the layout, you are given the HTML code to insert into your website. In order to attract advertisers to publish their advertisements on your website, try to allocate prominent locations for them. Recommended positions include the header, sidebars and individual blog posts. To get the best effect, allocate only one banner per page. On the other hand, text links have no restrictions and can be combined with banner ads.

The minimum withdrawal amount is only $1 (unlike Google Adsense $100). Typically, it takes less than a day for Obeus The Democratic Ads to send you the funds. They have a referral system for you to have a share in your downline earnings.

I have a fun time placing the advertisements around my website. What I can say is Obeus The Democratic Ads is a very good alternative to Google Adsense which does not imposed too much restrictions for publishers. You might want to take a look.

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